Cooking for two is boring -- I want to cook for the entire blogosphere!

Sunday, October 12

Chard and Ricotta Lasagna

I recently made this lasagna, from the Times healthy food column. It did turn out very savory, though I must say not as rich as most lasagnas. Is this a good or a bad thing? Depends on how hungry you are, I guess.


Adventurous Twenty-Something said...

Mmmm . . . I was hoping to see plum crisp but this looks just as delicious. Any suggestions on a make ahead meal to take over for new parents? John and Paige had their second child this past weekend. Hope you had a good one!

JeffTancil said...

I made a sorta similar lasagna--it also had eggplant (did yours?)from this book:

Twas ok, but eggplant is so hard to get right!